Would you like to be our walking guinea pigs?
Covid time has become synonymous with walking time. Whether you’re a curious ambler or a pedestrian with a purpose how much more interesting might your walking be if you could tap into your locale’s memory?
We’re piloting a project to bring local walkers in touch with local history. We think by knowing our ‘hood’s memories we can better appreciate their rich, long lives, gain a generous, multi-layered perspective on our own contemporary places, and feel more connected to our neighbourhoods. We don’t want to focus on grand narratives, great architecture or wondrous nature, but on the streetscapes and day-to-day happenings that have made our neighbourhoods the places they are today.
We’d be grateful if you could help us test this theory. Let us know the general location of your favourite or regular walking route, whether it be for pleasure or to the shops, and leave the rest to us.
We’ll bring your streets to life with real stories so you can tap into your community’s historical consciousness, know how your neighbourhood has been shaped and changed, and who by. And when we're ready we'll send you your neighbourhood stories to explore. We'll also ask for comments or suggestions so watch out for updates as our project develops.