Published history
CORE - the Public Correctional Enterprise - Fairlea Women’s Prison history
Hardie Grant Publishing - SBS World Guide annual updates for Australia and Oceania
Monash Medical Centre - Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital history
Oral history
City of Greater Dandenong - Living Treasures of Greater Dandenong 2005
Department of Planning and Development, Victoria - Hotham Housing Estate, North Melbourne
All published histories
Digital, website and recorded history
Interpretations, displays, and exhibitions
George Evans Museum, Sunbury
Manningham Council - Ruffy Lake Park post-contact history panels
Piermont Group - 22 Chum Street, Golden Square, Bendigo (in progress)
LookEar, with Development Victoria - Central Pier, Victoria Harbour (historical research and themes)
Australasian College of Dermatologists (Vic Faculty)
Hume City Council
East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation
Many private individuals and some families. Please see Mr Sam Smorgon AO for an example of one we have written about.
Please also see our Memoir Toolkit if you are looking for assistance in writing your own memoir or family history yourself.
Cultural heritage significance assessments
This work began in 2008 with the ‘Memory Victoria’ Victoria-wide assessment of 58 local history collections in public libraries for the State Library of Victoria.
We have since completed dozens of collection assessments for historical societies, both specialist and local, and for libraries, museums, research institutions, hospitals, community organisations, and corporate archives. Some of our blog posts on these include:
Place-based histories and cultural heritage assessments
As with collections, places also benefit from rigorous cultural heritage assessments before an understanding can be had of how best to manage them and their values. Solid historical research is the cornerstone of a rigorous place or precinct assessment.
We have provided historical research and assessment assistance for many private property owners, some of which required research for VCAT hearings. We have also worked on multiple projects for the following heritage consultancies:
Ecology & Heritage Partners
Line of Sight Heritage
Nigel Lewis Pty Ltd
Ruth Redden Conservation Design
Other object and archive collection work
This includes management, auditing, preservation needs assessments, rehousing, cataloguing, training and workshops in various aspects of collections work:
Australian College of Educators
Glenelg Shire Council
Coburg High School
Maribyrnong City Council
Whittlesea Community Connections
Surrey Hills Historical Society
Professional Historians association (Victoria)
Museums Australia (Victoria)
Other historical research:
Queen Victoria Market Traders Association
Melbourne Maritime Heritage Network
Save the Beaconsfield Reservoir Group
Techno Park Residents Association
Editing (manuscripts) and transcription (handwritten works and oral transcripts)
Murray Arts Museum
Financial Counselling Victoria
Dr Geoffrey Robinson
Advocacy and professional support
Trove funding threat
The Value of History (link to the full document on history council vic)
Supporting student internships
Personal projects and additional writing
Royal Melbourne Hospital - ‘War can last forever …’ audio story using archival oral history recordings
History Detectives@Work - a primary school incursion program